Example: Declaring a new AccessControlRule instance in access-control-policy.xml

  1. An <example:business-hours-acr> element is instanced within the AccessControlRuleLibrary
  2. The "business hours rule" instance is referenced by a Permission for testing
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE access-control-policy SYSTEM "http://cafesoft.com/access-control-policy_1_1.dtd">
   <!-- Web Resource Permissions -->
   <permission-collection type="http" desc="HTTP Server Permission">
      <permission desc="General Web Authentication Permissions"> 
         <resource-pattern id="http://localhost/*"/>
         <acr-ref id="granted"/>

      <permission desc="Resources to be accessed only during business hours"> 
         <resource-pattern id="http://localhost/business-hours-services*"/>
         <acr-ref id="business hours rule"/>
   <!-- Library of Access Control Rules -->

         Declare the "example:business-hours-acr" AccessControlRule type.
         desc="Control access by normal business hours"
         <acr-persistence-manager className="examples.acrs.XmlBusinessHoursAcrPm">
               <param name="debug" value="true"/>
         This rule limits limits access to Monday-Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
id="business hours rule"
desc="Limit access to M-F business hours">
<example:business-hours start-hour="8" end-hour="17"/> </example:business-hours-acr>
         This rule requires that the user be authenticated and
         belong to the "employee" role.
      <acr id="employee rule">

         This rule requires that the user be on our Local Area Network.
      <remote-host-acr id="LAN rule">
